HomeBlogLeadership Mental Health & WellbeingLoneliness: Breaking the Barriers for Entrepreneurs

Loneliness: Breaking the Barriers for Entrepreneurs

Loneliness Awareness Week, a campaign first started by Marmalade Trust, holds a special significance for me. As a director and entrepreneur living with facial paralysis from Bell’s Palsy, I intimately understand the challenges of navigating the entrepreneurial journey and the profound sense of loneliness it can bring.

Over my 14 years in business, I have learned invaluable lessons that have not only helped me combat the isolation but also fostered connections and inspired others along the way. In this blog post, I want to share these lessons with you, in the hope that they can provide guidance and support for entrepreneurs facing similar struggles.

1. Embrace vulnerability – Share your journey and create genuine connections.

One of the most powerful ways to combat loneliness is to embrace vulnerability. Share your story, your journey and your challenges with others. By doing so, you open the door to genuine connections and create a space where others can relate to your experiences. When you allow yourself to be vulnerable you invite empathy and understanding, and you may find that others have faced similar obstacles. These connections helped provide me with a a lifeline of support, encouragement and inspiration, ultimately helping me to alleviate the burden of loneliness.

2. Seek support – Join communities and engage with like-minded individuals.

Entrepreneurship can be a solitary path but it doesn’t have to be. Seek out communities and networks of like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges and triumphs of the entrepreneurial journey. These communities can provide a sense of belonging, as well as valuable advice, resources and opportunities for collaboration. Engage actively in these communities, attend events where you feel able, participate in discussions and build relationships. Surrounding myself with a supportive network helped alleviate feelings of loneliness and provided a strong foundation for growth.

3. Practice empathy – Understand the challenges others face and show compassion.

Loneliness can blind us to the struggles of others. By practicing empathy, we can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by those around us. Take the time to listen to others, learn from their experiences, and show compassion. By extending empathy, we create a culture of support and understanding, where loneliness is replaced by genuine human connection. Remember, loneliness is not exclusive to entrepreneurs; it affects people from all walks of life. By showing empathy, I was able to contribute to a kinder and more connected world.

4. Share triumphs and struggles – Inspire and uplift others by sharing experiences.

Transparency and openness are essential in combating loneliness. Share your triumphs and struggles with others. When we only present a polished version of ourselves, it can create an illusion of perfection and distance. By sharing our experiences authentically, we inspire others and let them know that they are not alone in their journey. Celebrate your successes and acknowledge your failures. By doing so, I created a safe space for others to do the same, fostering connection and ultimately reducing the isolation that entrepreneurship can sometimes bring.

5. Foster meaningful relationships – Invest in deep connections that support your growth.

In the pursuit of success, it’s easy to fall into the trap of prioritising networking and surface-level connections. However, to combat loneliness effectively, it’s crucial to invest in meaningful relationships. Cultivate deep connections with individuals who genuinely support your growth, both personally and professionally. These relationships can provide a sense of belonging, accountability, and emotional support. Surround yourself with people who believe in your vision and uplift you during challenging times. By fostering such relationships, I have been able to build a strong support system that helps combat loneliness and propels me towards success.

As Loneliness Awareness Week unfolds, let us break the barriers of loneliness together. Let us connect, inspire and support one another in our entrepreneurial journeys. By embracing vulnerability, seeking support, practicing empathy, sharing our experiences and fostering meaningful relationships, we can create a community where loneliness no longer holds power.


A Leadership Mental Health Advocate and Inspirational Speaker, Gary works with businesses and leadership teams to break the stigma and begin prioritising their own mental health and wellbeing. Reach out today to discover how Gary can support your team in cultivating a culture of wellbeing and effective leadership.

Leadership Mental Health Advocate & Inspirational Speaker

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