HomeBlogLeadership Mental Health & WellbeingHow Leaders Can Make the Most of Mental Health Awareness Week

How Leaders Can Make the Most of Mental Health Awareness Week

The week commencing the 13th of May is Mental Health Awareness Week, a time to shine a spotlight on the importance of mental wellbeing in our lives, particularly in the workplace. As leaders and business owners, we are responsible for driving productivity and success and prioritising the mental health of ourselves and our teams. Here are some practical tips on how leaders can maximise Mental Health Awareness Month by placing a greater emphasis on mental wellbeing:

1. Lead by Example: It starts with us. As leaders, we need to model healthy behaviours and attitudes towards mental health. This means openly discussing our struggles and victories, demonstrating that it’s okay to prioritise self-care and seek support when needed.

2. Incorporate Outdoor Meetings: Break away from the confines of traditional meeting rooms and take discussions outdoors. Whether it’s a one-on-one check-in with a team member or a brainstorming session with the entire team, the fresh air and change of scenery can invigorate creativity and foster a more relaxed atmosphere conducive to open dialogue.

3. Team Bonding Activities: Strengthen team cohesion by organising outdoor activities that promote both physical activity and social connection. Whether it’s a team picnic in the park, a friendly game of soccer, or a group hike in nature, these shared experiences can help build trust, communication, and camaraderie among team members.

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4. Walk and Talk Sessions: Instead of sitting down for a traditional meeting, why not take your discussions on the move? Invite team members to join you for a walk or jog around the office campus or nearby park. Not only does this promote physical activity, but it also provides an opportunity for informal, uninterrupted conversations that can lead to valuable insights and solutions.

5. Encourage Breaks: Remind team members to take regular breaks throughout the day to recharge and refresh their minds. Whether it’s a short walk around the block, a few minutes of deep breathing exercises outdoors, or simply stepping outside to soak up some sunshine, these small breaks can make a big difference in mental wellbeing.

6. Provide Resources: Ensure that your team has access to resources and support for mental health. This could include offering employee assistance programs, providing information on mental health services, or organising workshops and seminars on stress management and mindfulness.

7. Foster a Culture of Openness: Create a workplace culture where mental health is openly discussed and valued. Encourage team members to prioritise self-care and support each other in times of need. By normalising conversations around mental health, we can reduce stigma and create a more supportive and inclusive environment for all.

As we observe Mental Health Awareness Month, let’s recommit ourselves to prioritising mental wellbeing in the workplace. By implementing these strategies and leading with empathy and compassion, we can create healthier, happier, and more productive work environments where everyone can thrive.

Gary Parsons

A Leadership Mental Health Advocate and Inspirational Speaker, Gary works with businesses and leadership teams to break the stigma and begin prioritising their own mental health and wellbeing. Reach out today to discover how Gary can support your team in cultivating a culture of wellbeing and effective leadership.


A Leadership Mental Health Advocate and Inspirational Speaker, Gary works with businesses and leadership teams to break the stigma and begin prioritising their own mental health and wellbeing. Reach out today to discover how Gary can support your team in cultivating a culture of wellbeing and effective leadership.

Leadership Mental Health Advocate & Inspirational Speaker

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